Redoubt's TX 24 Hector Triumphant |
TX 26 Death of Achilles |
Odysseus pulling out the arrow |
Redoubt Character/Hero Figures |
L-R: Hektor, Aeneas, Agamemnon, & Achilles |
More Redoubt Hero Figures |
L-R: Sub Chief, Ajax, Polydamus, & Antilochus |
Equeta |
9 chariots with 3 Heroes @ 501 points |
Mycenaean Warband @ 197 points |
28mm Redoubt, and some Foundry archers and musician |
Achaean and Pylian Tereta @ 197 points |
Redoubt, some BTD archers and musician |
Cretan Warband (Allies) @ 255 points |
Redoubt and Castaway Arts musician |
Lowly slingers @ 24 points |
too poor to even afford the basics... |
Javelinmen |
Foundry and Redoubt Javelinmen. 8 @ 5 pts each, plus Leader: 45 points. |
Javelinmen |
Foundry and Redoubt Javelinmen. 8 @ 5 pts each, plus Leader: 45 points. |
Black Tree Design archers and musician |
Redoubt fig for comparison |
Hector's Shield |
Telamonian Aias with is Tower Shield |
Redoubt figures listed in their catalog as - |
L-R; Hektor, Aeneas, Agamemnon, & Achilles |
Redoubt Hero figures sold as - |
L-R: Ajax, Antilochus, Sub Chief, & Polydamus |
I've switched the rider in the blue painted chariot to a spear throwing hero |
Foundry chariots |
Meleagros of Kalydon |
heading out to battle the Kouretes |
Various Archers - Comparison |
L-R: BTD, BTD, Foundry, Redoubt, & Foundry |
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TX 25 Paris Defeated |
Menelaus dragging Paris to his doom - or so he thinks |
Redoubt Glaukos figure |
Same figure - modified to hold a spear in the chariot |
Redoubt Hero Figures listed in their catalog as - |
L-R: Odysseus, Paris, Agamemnon, & Achilles (last two modified to hold spears) |
Foundry and Redoubt chariots |
Ldr & standard bearer |
Lion standard is from a Bretonnian knight's helmet crest (modified); I've since switched the leader |
the center guy's head was swapped to have a helmet |
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